Growing Your Business with Brand Storytelling

April 21, 2022

Do you feel stuck in business? Like you don’t know how to reach your audience let alone keep their attention?

Let me ask, “Do you share stories, or do you just sell, sell, sell?”

What are stories you ask? Let’s dive in! I’ve got you! By the time you’re done reading this, you will be flooded with ideas.

Brand Storytelling is how you humanize your brand and transforms how people connect with you, your brand, your product or your service.

Storytelling has been around for centuries. It’s how we connect. It’s how we remember. People are far more likely to remember a story than they will product, and the only thing that differentiates you from the next person who is doing what you do or selling what you sell is YOU. So start sharing your story.

There are three important stories to share in business:

  1. Your Story: What do you do? Stories sharing who you are, what you do, and what make you different are the first key stories you need to share. Some critical questions to ask yourself are: What is the painpoint I have created a solution for? What is my unique solution to solving that problem? What is the end result for my client?
  2. Transformation Story: the stories of how you got to where you are, what your life was like before, show conflict, how your product or service helped, and how life is now
  3. Classic Brand Story: What are the stories of messages you keep retelling in business?

Sharing who you are beyond just what you do and showcasing your personality you will connect with the audience you want to attract and work with. If you try and speak to everyone, you will speak to no one. So get clear on the three stories and start sharing in your marketing.

Click the link to read “My Why in Business” story:

I highly recommend the book “Building A Story Brand” by Donald Miller. This will walk you through the steps to get clear on your brand and the stories to tell so you can grow in business.

Once you have your stories ready to tell, you need authentic photos to visually support your message. This is where I come in. I help create scroll-stopping imagery to partner with your stories. Together, this is what makes you #STEPUPANDSTANDOUT.
